Study of Reaction in NH3
The case of the availability of liquid ammonia and it’s water like properties have made it a very useful solvent and reaction medium for carrying out various types of organic and inorganic synthesis.
Some important characteristics of ammonia as a solvent are as follows:
1) Like water, ammonia molecules are associated through
hydrogen bonding in liquid ammonia as it has a strongly
electronegative nitrogen atom which is responsible for
hydrogen bonding in it.
2) A protonic solvent Liquid ammonia is a protonic solvent and
ionizing solvent.
3) The dielectric constant of liquid ammonia makes possible to
carryout many reactions and thus to some extent compensate
the dielectric effect which favours lesser reaction.
4) In general, solubilities of covalent organic compounds in liquid
ammonia are considerably higher than in water probably
owing to the greater dispersion energy interaction.
5) The freezing and boiling points of liquid ammonia are lower
than those of water. Therefore, more precautions are to be
taken while handling liquid ammonia.
6) Liquid ammonia possesses usually high thermal coefficient of
expansion i.e. it’s density decreases with rise of temperature.
Auto- ionization of liquid ammonia:-
The extent of auto-ionization of liquid ammonia is less than
that of water.
2NH3 NH4+ + NH2-
2H2O H3O+ + OH-
It is indicated from it’s low specific conductance and also
from it’s ionic product. i.e.
KH2O =[H3O+] [OH-]=1×10-14 at 18°c
KNH3=[NH4+] [NH2-]=1.9×10-33at 55°c
Ammonium ion liquid ammonia is analogous to
solution and amide ion NH2- to OH- ion. Hence any
substance which gives NH4+ ions in liquid ammonia acts as
acid and is known as ammonia acid.e.g., NH4CL. Any
substance which gives NH2- ion acts as base and is known as
ammonia base.e.g.Sodamide NaNH2. On the basis of Bronsted
Lowry Concept. NH4
+ ions would behaves as acids and amide
as bases in liquid ammonia.
Solubility Of Substances in liq.NH3
➢ Inorganic Compounds:-
Since dielectric constant of NH3 is much less than that of
H2O,in liq.NH3 is poorer solvent for Ionic substances.
Molecules having many electrons such as iodine
compounds and non- polar substances such as
hydrocarbons are, however,soluble in liq.NH3. Nitrates,
thiocyanates, perchlorates and most cyanide are soluble
in liquid ammonia. Oxides , hydroxides , sulphates
carbonates, phosphates,sulphites and most sulphides are
insoluble. Most of the ammonium salts such as NH4NO3,NH4SCN ,CH3COONH4, are
soluble in liq. Ammonia. All the metal amides , except
those of alkali metals are insoluble.
➢ Organic Compounds:-
Alcohols , halogen compounds (e.g. Chloroform etc),
ketones, esters , simple ethers and phenol and it’s
derivatives are soluble. The aromatic hydrocarbons are sparingly soluble ➢ Non-metals:-
The non- metals (e.g.P,S and I) dissolve in liq.NH3 reacting
With it.
5/4 S8 + 16NH3 N4S4+6(NH4)2S
❖ Advantages of liquid NH3 as a solvent:
i. On the other hand liq. NH3 is better solvent than water for iodine
compounds and many non -polar
compounds,i.e. hydrocarbons.
ii. Liquid NH3 dissolves alkali metals without apparent chemical reaction
but water does not .
M+H2 MOH +H2
III. Liquid ammonia has little solvoly tendency than H2O towards the dissolved
Solutes (Ammonolysis reactions are less than solvolysisReactions).
❖ Disadvantages of using liquid NH3 as a solvent:
i. The use of liquid ammonia as a solvent and a reaction medium required elaborate equipment and special techniques are to be used .
ii. The boiling point of liquid ammonia is 239.5K(-33.5°) and hence while working with this solvent,a lower temperature is to be maintained, if high pressure are to beavoided.
iii. Due to hygroscopic nature of liquid ammonia reactions are done in sealed tubes so as not to allow ammonia to come in contact with moisture.
➢ Types of Chemical reactions occuring
in liquid ammonia:
▪ Acid- base reactions:
As substances producing H3O+ ions in water are acids. similarly ammonium salts giving NH4+ ions in liquid ammonia are acids. Similarly Substances producing OH- ions in water and NH2- ( amide) ions in liquid ammonia are bases in that solvents. According to Bronsted Lowry
Concept of acids and bases, the ionization reaction taking place in H2O and NH3 are similar.
Consider the auto- ionization of H2O and liq.NH3 ; H2O+H2O H3O+ + OH- NH3 + NH3 NH4+ +NH2-
NH4+ salts will act as Acids; where as NH2- salts
will act as bases in which liquid ammonia. Acid base results
in the formation of salt and solvent in which the reaction is
carried out.
NH4NO3 + KNH2 KNO3 +2NH3
NH4Cl + KNH2 KCl + 2NH3
Ammonium salts can also dissolves metal oxides and
NH4Cl+CaO CaCl2+2NH3+H2O
▪ Redox Reactions:
Redox reactions are those in which nitrogen or
hydrogen of ammonia molecule undergo a change in
it’s oxidation number. Some important redox
reactions occuring in liq.NH3 are given below.
➢ Catalytic oxidation of NH3 to NO
4NH3+ 5O2 4NO+6H2O
➢ Reduction of metal oxide with liquid ammonia
3CuO+2NH3 3Cu+3H2O+N2
➢ Addition of metallic Na in liq.NH3 to NH4Br is a
redox reaction.
2Na+2NH4Br 2NaBr+2NH3+H2
▪ Precipitation Reactions:
Precipitation reactions are similar to those of H2O however the compound which are insoluble in liquid ammonia vary considerably from those which are insoluble in H2O. Most metal chlorides are insoluble in liq.NH3 except,NaCl,NH4Cl and BeCl2 e.g.
2AgCl+KNO3 KCl +AgNO3
2AgCl+BaNO3 BaCl2+2AgNO3
▪ Complex Formation Reactions:
Many complex formation reactions in liq.NH3 have been studied which are similar to reactions occuring in water system. I. Many insoluble metal amides,imides and nitrides dissolve in solution of KNH2 in liquid ammonia to from soluble amido
Zn(NO3)2+2KNH2 Zn(NH2)2+2KNO3
Zn(NH2)2+2KNH2 K2[Zn(NH2)4]
Soluble amido complexx
▪ Solvolysis/ Ammonolysis Reactions:
Reactions are similar to hydrolysis reactions in H2O,in
Ammonolysis Reactions NH3 acts as a reactante.e.g.
Hg2Cl2+2NH3 Hg°+NH4Cl+Hg(NH2)Cl
BCl3+6NH3 B(NH2)4+4NH4Cl
▪ Solvation/Ammonation Reactions:
Ammonation reaction are those in which one or more molecules of
liquid ammonia are attached with the solute species containing an
accepter atom by any of the chemical linkage and give the
products, known as Ammoniates. In this case NH3 molecule act as
Lewis base since it has a lone pair, donate electron.
BF3+ NH3 BF3.NH3
SO2+2NH3 SO2.2NH3
MgI2+6NH3 MgI2.6NH3
▪ Amphoteric Reactions:
Like water amphoteric behavior is also shown in liquid ammonia.
Many metallic amides are amphoteric like many oxides and
hydroxides e.g.
In liquid ammonia,
ZnCl2+2KNH2 Zn(NH2)2+2KCl
Zn(NH2)2+2KNH2 K2[Zn(NH2)4]
In H2O,
ZnCl2+2KOH Zn(OH)2+2KCl
Zn(OH)2+2KOH K2[Zn(OH)4]
Study Of Reactions in liquid Sulphur Dioxide:
Liquid SO2 is a water like solvent and as such is used extensively for
carrying out a number of Chemical reactions.
General Characteristics:
i. Non protonic solvent
ii. It is boils at -10°C and freezes at -75.5°C. since the liquid
range is sufficiently high ,it can work as a good solvent.
iii. It has low dielectric constant. Therefore it is better
solvent for covalently bonded structures.
Chemical Reactions in liquid SO2.
Chemical reactions that can occur in liq.SO2 are as follows:
1. Acid- base reactions:
Liquid SO2 undergoes auto ionization to about same extent as
does water
SO2+SO2 SO+2 + SO3-2
Acid thionyl base sulphite The compounds which contains SO+2ions would expected to behave as acids, while the compound which contain SO+3ions would be expected to based in liq.SO2 e.g.
SOCl2 +Cs2SO3 2CsCl + 2SO2 2. Precipitation Reactions:
There are many Precipitation reactions which may conveniently
be carried out in liq.SO2 due to specific solubility relationship.
The Precipitation of several insoluble substances upon mixing
the soluble compounds in liq.SO2 are as follows:
SbCl3 + 3LiI SbI3 + 3LiCl
2KI + SOCl2 SOI2 + 2KCl 3.
Redox Reactions:
Liq.SO2 acts as an inert medium.it does not behaves it self as
oxidizing and reducing agent.it only serves as a medium to carryout
redox reactions.e.g.
6KI + 3 SbCl5 3I2 + SbCl3+2K3[SbCl6]
2FeCl3+2KI 2FeCl2+2KCl+I2 4.
Amphoterism Reactions:
They occur in liq.SO2 just like in aqueous medium e.g. AlCl3+3OH- Al(OH)3 + 3Cl-
Al(OH)3 + OH- [Al(OH-)4] soluble
complex 5. Solvation Reaction:
The high solubilities of certain salts in liq. SO2 are believed to be
due to solvate formation.e.g.
RbI + 3SO2 RbI.SO2
TiBr4 + SO2 TiBr.SO2 6. Reactions of Organic Compounds:
Since many organic compounds are soluble in liq.SO2 and itself
inert to many of them, a range of synthetic organic reactions has
been carried out in this solvent.e.g.
1) Sulphonation:
2) Friedal- Crafts Reactions:
Liq.SO2 has also been used as a sovent for Friedal
Crafts reactions because of high solubility of AlCl3 in
It is very useful solvent for various types of synthetic reactions and
in the refining of petroleum. 3) Bromination Reactions:
It has also been used as a solvent for the addition of
bromine to understand compounds.
Study Of Reactions in liquid HF:
HF is one of the most water like of all the aqueous solvents. The
properties i.e, ➢ Liquid range from-83 to 19.4°C ➢ Low specific conductance ➢ High dielectric constant makes it an excellent ionizing
Chemical reactions of HF:
Liquid HF is a strongly acidic solvent.it has relatively higher
degree of auto-ionization.
1. Acid base reactions:
HF like H2O,NH3 and SO2 undergoes auto ionization to give HF -
and H+ ions . The acid-base reactions also carried out in liquid HF SbF5+ HF [SbF6]-1 +H+
2.Redox reactions:
Redox reactions can also be carried out liq.HF e.g.
4HNO3+3Ag 3AgNO3+ NO+2H2O
3. Precipitation Reactions:
Only few anions i.e., SO4
2- ,ClO4
IO4- are soluble in HF. They give
Precipitation Reactions in liquid HF.
BF3+ AgF B[AgF4]
4. Complex Formation Reactions:
Complex Formation Reactions are also occurs in liq.HF e.g,
CrF3+3NaF Na3[CrF6]