Metal Carbonyl
Metal carbonyls are coordination complexes of transition metals with carbon monoxide ligands. Metal carbonyls are useful in organic synthesis and as catalysts or catalyst precursors in homogeneous catalysis, such as hydroformylation and Reppe chemistry. In the Mond process, nickel tetracarbonyl is used to
produce pure nickel. In organometallic chemistry, metal carbonyls serve as precursors for the preparation of other organometalic complexes.Metal carbonyls are toxic by skin contact, inhalation or ingestion, in part because of their ability to carbonylate hemoglobin to give carboxyhemoglobin, which prevents the binding of O2.
Nomenclature and Termanology:-
The nomenclature of the metal carbonyls depends on the charge of the complex, the number and type of central atoms, and the number and type of ligands and their binding modes. They occur as neutral complexes, as positively charged metal carbonyl cations or as negatively charged metal carbonylates. The carbon monoxide ligand may be bound terminally to a single metal atom or bridging to two or more metal atoms. These complexes may be homoleptic, that is containing only CO ligands, such as nickel tetracarbonyl (Ni(CO)4), but more commonly metal carbonyls are heteroleptic and contain a mixture of ligands.Mononuclear metal carbonyls contain only one metal atom as the central atom. Except vanadium hexacarbonyl only metals with even order number such as chromium, iron, nickel, and their homologs build neutral mononuclear complexes. Polynuclear metal carbonyls are formed from metals with odd order numbers and contain a metal-metal bond.[2] Complexes with different metals, but only one type of ligand are called isoleptic.
Carbon monoxide has distinct binding modes in metal carbonyls. They differ in terms of their hapticity, denoted with η, and their bridging mode. In η2-CO complexes, both the carbon and oxygen are bonded to the metal. More commonly only carbon is bonded, in which case the hapticity is not mentioned.
The carbonyl ligand engages in a range of bonding modes in metal carbonyl dimers and clusters. In the most common bridging mode, the CO ligand bridges a pair of metals. This bonding mode is observed in the commonly available metal carbonyls: Co2(CO)8, Fe2(CO)9, Fe3(CO)12, and Co4(CO)12.[1][4] In certain higher nuclearity clusters, CO bridges between three or even four metals. These ligands are denoted μ3-CO and μ4-CO. Less common are bonding modes in which both C and O bond to the metal, e.g. μ3-η2.

Structure and Bonding:-
Carbon monoxide bonds to transition metals using "synergistic π* back-bonding". The bonding has three components, giving rise to a partial triple bond. A sigma bond arises from overlap of the nonbonding (or weakly anti-bonding) sp-hybridized electron pair on carbon with a blend of d-, s-, and p-orbitals on the metal. A pair of π bonds arises from overlap of filled d-orbitals on the metal with a pair of π-antibonding orbitals projecting from the carbon atom of the CO.

The latter kind of binding requires that the metal have d-electrons, and that the metal is in a relatively low oxidation state (<+2) which makes the back donation process favorable. As electrons from the metal fill the π-antibonding orbital of CO, they weaken the carbon-oxygen bond compared with free carbon monoxide, while the metal-carbon bond is strengthened. Because of the multiple bond character of the M-CO linkage, the distance between the metal and carbon atom is relatively short, often < 1.8 Å, about 0.2 Å shorter than a metal-alkyl bond. Several canonical forms can be drawn to describe the approximate metal carbonyl bonding modes.
Infrared spectroscopy is a sensitive probe for the presence of bridging carbonyl ligands. For compounds with doubly bridging CO ligands, denoted μ2-CO or often just μ-CO, νCO, νCO is usually shifted by 100–200 cm−1 to lower energy compared to the signatures of terminal CO, i.e. in the region 1800 cm−1. Bands for face capping (μ3) CO ligands appear at even lower energies. In addition to symmetrical bridging modes, CO can be found bridge unsymmetrically or through donation from a metal d orbital to the π* orbital of CO.The increased π-bonding due to back-donation from multiple metal centers results in further weakening of the C-O bond.

Physical characteristics:-
Most mononuclear carbonyl complexes are colorless or pale yellow volatile liquids or solids that are flammable and toxic. Vanadium hexacarbonyl, a uniquely stable 17-electron metal carbonyl, is a blue-black solid.[1] Di- and polymetallic carbonyls tend to be more deeply colored. Triirondodecacarbonyl (Fe3(CO)12) forms deep green crystals. The crystalline metal carbonyls often are sublimable in vacuum, although this process is often accompanied by degradation. Metal carbonyls are soluble in nonpolar and polar organic solvents such as benzene, diethyl ether, acetone, glacial acetic acid, and carbon tetrachloride. Some salts of cationic and anionic metal carbonyls are soluble in water or lower alcohols.
Infrared spectra:-
An important technique for characterizing metal carbonyls is infrared spectroscopy. The C-O vibration, typically denoted νCO, occurs at 2143 cm−1 for CO gas. The energies of the νCO band for the metal carbonyls correlates with the strength of the carbon-oxygen bond, and inversely correlated with the strength of the π-backbonding between the metal and the carbon. The π basicity of the metal center depends on a lot of factors; in the isoelectronic series (Ti to Fe) at the bottom of this section, the hexacarbonyls show decreasing π-backbonding as one increases (makes more positive) the charge on the metal. π-Basic ligands increase π-electron density at the metal, and improved backbonding reduces νCO. The Tolman electronic parameter uses the Ni(CO)3 fragment to order ligands by their π-donating abilities.
The number of vibrational modes of a metal carbonyl complex can be determined by group theory. Only vibrational modes that transform as the electric dipole operator will have non-zero direct products and are observed. The number of observable IR transitions (but not the energies) can thus be predicted.[14][15][16] For example, the CO ligands of octahedral complexes, e.g. Cr(CO)6, transform as a1g, eg, and t1u, but only the t1u mode (anti-symmetric stretch of the apical carbonyl ligands) is IR-allowed. Thus, only a single νCO band is observed in the IR spectra of the octahedral metal hexacarbonyls. Spectra for complexes of lower symmetry are more complex. For example, the IR spectrum of Fe2(CO)9 displays CO bands at 2082, 2019, 1829 cm−1. The number of IR-observable vibrational modes for some metal carbonyls are shown in the table. Exhaustive tabulations are available. These rules apply to metal carbonyls in solution or the gas phase. Low polarity solvents are ideal for high resolution. For measurements on solid samples of metal carbonyls, the number of bands can increase owing in part to site symmetry.

The number of IR-active vibrational modes of several prototypical metal carbonyl complexes.
Direct reaction of metal with carbon monoxide:-
Nickel tetracarbonyl and iron pentacarbonyl can be prepared according to the following equations by reaction of finely divided metal with carbon monoxide:
Ni + 4 CO → Ni(CO)4 (1 bar, 55 °C)
Fe + 5 CO → Fe(CO)5 (100 bar, 175 °C)
Nickel tetracarbonyl is formed with carbon monoxide already at 80 °C and atmospheric pressure, finely divided iron reacts at temperatures between 150 and 200 °C and a carbon monoxide pressure of 50 to 200 bar. Other metal carbonyls are prepared by less direct methods.
Reduction of metal salts and oxides:-
Some metal carbonyls are prepared by the reduction of metal halides in the presence of high pressure of carbon monoxide. A variety of reducing agents are employed, including copper, aluminum, hydrogen, as well as metal alkyls such as triethylaluminium. Illustrative is the formation of chromium hexacarbonyl from anhydrous chromium(III) chloride in benzene with aluminum as a reducing agent, and aluminum chloride as the catalyst:
CrCl3 + Al + 6 CO → Cr(CO)6 + AlCl3
The use of metal alkyls, e.g. triethylaluminium and diethylzinc as the reducing agent leads to the oxidative coupling of the alkyl radical to the dimer:
WCl6 + 6 CO + 2 Al(C2H5)3 → W(CO)6 + 2 AlCl3 + 3 C4H10
Tungsten, molybdenum, manganese, and rhodium salts may be reduced with lithium aluminum hydride. Vanadium hexacarbonyl is prepared with sodium as a reducing agent in chelating solvents such as diglyme.
VCl3 + 4 Na + 6 CO 2 diglyme → Na(diglyme)2[V(CO)6] + 3 NaCl
[V(CO)6]− + H+ → H[V(CO)6] → 1/2 H2 + V(CO)6
In aqueous phase nickel or cobalt salts can be reduced, for example, by sodium dithionite. In the presence of carbon monoxide, cobalt salts are quantitatively converted to the tetracarbonylcobalt(-1) anion:
Co2+ + 1.5 S2O42− + 6 OH− + 4 CO → Co(CO)4− + 3 SO32− + 3 H2O
Some metal carbonyls are prepared using CO as the reducing agent. In this way, Hieber and Fuchs first prepared dirheniumdecacarbonyl from the oxide:
Re2O7 + 17 CO → Re2(CO)10 + 7 CO2
If metal oxides are used carbon dioxide is formed as a reaction product. In the reduction of metal chlorides with carbon monoxide phosgene is formed, as in the preparation of osmium carbonyl chloride from the chloride salts. Carbon monoxide is also suitable for the reduction of sulfides, where carbonyl sulfide is the byproduct.
Metal carbonyls are important precursors for the synthesis of other organometalic complexes. The main reactions are the substitution of carbon monoxide by other ligands, the oxidation or reduction reactions of the metal center and reactions of carbon monoxide ligand.
CO substitution:-
The substitution of CO ligands can be induced thermally or photochemically by donor ligands. The range of ligands is large, and includes phosphines, cyanide (CN−), nitrogen donors, and even ethers, especially chelating ones. Olefins, especially diolefins, are effective ligands that afford synthetically useful derivatives. Substitution of 18-electron complexes generally follows a dissociative mechanism, involving 16-electron intermediates.
Substitution proceeds via a dissociative mechanism:
M(CO)n → M(CO)n-1 + CO
M(CO) n-1 + L → M(CO)n-1L
The dissociation energy is 105 kJ mol−1 for nickel tetracarbonyl and 155 kJ mol−1 for chromium hexacarbonyl.
Substitution in 17-electron complexes, which are rare, proceeds via associative mechanisms with a 19-electron intermediates.
M(CO)n + L → M(CO)nL
M(CO)nL → M(CO)n-1L + CO
The rate of substitution in 18-electron complexes is sometimes catalysed by catalytic amounts of oxidants, via electron-transfer.
Metal carbonyls react with reducing agents such as metallic sodium or sodium amalgam to give carbonylmetalate (or carbonylate) anions:
Mn2(CO)10 + 2 Na → 2 Na[Mn(CO)5]
For iron pentacarbonyl, one obtains the tetracarbonylferrate with loss of CO:
Fe(CO)5 + 2 Na → Na2[Fe(CO)4] + CO
Mercury can insert into the metal-metal bonds of some polynuclear metal carbonyls:
Co2(CO)8 + Hg → (CO)4Co-Hg-Co(CO)4
Nucleophilic attack at CO:-
The CO ligand is often susceptible to attack by nucleophiles. For example, trimethylamine oxide and bistrimethylsilylamide convert CO ligands to CO2 and CN−, respectively. In the "Hieber base reaction", hydroxide ion attacks the CO ligand to give a metallacarboxylic acid, followed by the release of carbon dioxide and the formation of metal hydrides or carbonylmetalates. A well-known example of this nucleophilic addition reaction is the conversion of iron pentacarbonyl to hydridoirontetracarbonyl anion:
Fe(CO)5 + NaOH → Na[Fe(CO)4CO2H]
Na[Fe(CO)4COOH] + NaOH → Na[HFe(CO)4] + NaHCO3
Protonation of the hydrido anion gives the neutral iron tetracarbonyl hydride:
Na[HFe(CO)4] + H+ → H2Fe(CO)4 + Na+
Organolithium reagents add with metal carbonyls to acylmetal carbonyl anions. O-alkylation of these anions, e.g. with Meerwein salts, affords Fischer carbenes.
With electrophiles:-
Despite being in low formal oxidation states, metal carbonyls are relatively unreactive toward many electrophiles. For example, they resist attack by alkylating agents, mild acids, mild oxidizing agents. Most metal carbonyls do undergo halogenation. Iron pentacarbonyl, for example, forms ferrous carbonyl halides:
Fe(CO)5 + X2 → Fe(CO)4X2 + CO
Metal-metal bonds are cleaved by halogens. Depending on the electron-counting scheme used, this can be regarded as oxidation of the metal atom:
Mn2(CO)10 + Cl2 → 2 Mn(CO)5Cl
1.Metallurgical uses:-
Metal carbonyls are used in several industrial processes. Perhaps the earliest application was the extraction and purification of nickel via nickel tetracarbonyl by the Mond process (see also carbonyl metallurgy).By a similar process carbonyl iron, a highly pure metal powder, is prepared by thermal decomposition of iron pentacarbonyl. Carbonyl iron is used inter alia for the preparation of inductors, pigments, as dietary supplements, in the production of radar-absorbing materials in the stealth technology, and in thermal spraying.
Metal carbonyls are used in a number of industrially important carbonylation reactions. In the oxo process, an olefin, dihydrogen, and carbon monoxide react together with a catalyst (e.g. dicobaltoctacarbonyl) to give aldehydes. Illustrative is the production of butyraldehyde:
Butyraldehyde is converted on an industrial scale to 2-ethylhexanol, a precursor to PVC plasticizers, by aldol condensation, followed by hydrogenation of the resulting hydroxyaldehyde. The "oxo aldehydes" resulting from hydroformylation are used for large-scale synthesis of fatty alcohols, which are precursors to detergents. The hydroformylation is a reaction with high atom economy, especially if the reaction proceeds with high regioselectivity.

Another important reaction catalyzed by metal carbonyls is the hydrocarboxylation. The example below is for the synthesis of acrylic acid and acrylic acid esters:

Also the cyclization of acetylene to cyclooctatetraene uses metal carbonyl catalysts:
In the Monsanto and Cativa processes, acetic acid is produced from methanol, carbon monoxide, and water using hydrogen iodide as well as rhodium and iridium carbonyl catalysts, respectively. Related carbonylation reactions afford acetic anhydride.
3.CO-releasing molecules (CO-RMs):-
are metal carbonyl complexes that are being developed as potential drugs to release CO. At low concentrations, CO functions as a vasodilatory and an anti-inflammatory agent. CO-RMs have been conceived as a pharmacological strategic approach to carry and deliver controlled amounts of CO to tissues and organs.Carbon monoxide-releasing molecules